“The Microdermabrasion system is an innovative approach for a peeling technique. By performing a progressive and controlled exfoliation of the skin, it helps to improve or correct the skin abnormalities that originate in the epidermis and the most superficial layers of the dermis..
The success of Microdermabrasion can bring an unsurpassed income that will maximize the profitability and growth of the skin care industry, not to mention boost the credibility of the aesthetic profession as a whole… “
Introduced in “Showcase”
“The CryoSkin is a cutting-edge cryotherapeutic device that treats common hyperpigmentation conditions such as age and sunspots, as well as warts, keloid, and fibromas. Lightweight, compact, and portable, treatments are rapid and painless..”
Covered in “Product Essentials”:
“Skin Care Consultants’ SkinLite II device affords estheticians sub–dermal views with minimal surface reflection. Created to help analyze clogged pores, hyperpigmentation, and more…”
Spotlighted in “Product Essentials”
The LAMPROBE treats a range of cosmetic conditions including cherry angiomas, cholesterol deposits, clogged pores and skin tags –with non-invasive services..”
Featured in coverage summary of “India Salon & Wellness Pro 2013”:
“..Pat Lam, CEO, Skin Care Consultants/Lam Skin Care Products has been in the business for 36 years..[She] observed that the male market is micro, but growing, along with..the revival of ancient traditional therapies like Ayurvedic medicine and non-invasive treatments like microdermabrasion..”
Highlighted in “Collection”:
“…Lam Collagen Ampoule by Lam Skin Care Products is especially formulated for skin that needs extra care to restore elasticity and moisture… This ampoule is ionizable negative charge)..”
Featured in “Market Forum”:
“..The LAMPROBE is a popular and excellent stand-alone as well as an add-on service to standard and specialized skin treatments…”
Featured in “Handy Dandy”:
“..Frequent use of this treatment produces a bleaching effect to help eliminate on age spots …”
Presented in “Collection”:
“…The LAMPROBE is a multifaceted anti-aging device that uses radio, high frequency to treat many common skin conditions…”
Interviewed in feature article “Women in Spa”:
“..If you could change anything about the spa industry, what would it be and why?…A fundamental change that must take for the integrity of the industry is that the state boards themselves should be composed of respected and experienced skincare professionals.. I want to see estheticians obtain the respect and recognition in the wellness and beauty industries for their knowledge, skill, and dedication..”