What is the time commitment required by the course?
It is estimated that the program can be covered in approximately 40-50 hours of work by the student
Most of the work can be done as home study, followed by discussion in classroom groups
How does the Health and Wellness course support the institution administrating the course?
The school itself is provided with the MCQ Exam Manual (Multiple Choice Question Exam Manual), comprising of a bank of over 450 questions, as well as Exam Questions Sheets
Students’ Answer sheets etc can be photocopied and given out to students for the exams (obviously, only the school will have access to the answers for correction)
The MCQ also comes with a CD which the school can further develop if desired
How does the Health and Wellness course support the instructors teaching the course?
Facilitates the work of the instructor by enhancing students’ understanding and retention of textbook and course material
Teachers are supplied with the Answer Study Guide, which is provided in the format of the Questions Study Guide with the all correct answers highlighted, so all the work has been done for the instructor
It is hoped that the instructor/s will have conducted more research on each chapter topic, in order to answer relevant questions posed by students
Instructors must be prepared as the students can become quite knowledgeable while working through the textbook with the help of the Question Study Guide
How does the Health and Wellness course support the students taking the course?
Each student works with the program’s Question Study Guide, designed to enhance student’s understanding of the course textbook “Nutrition: The Healthy Aging Solution”, chapter by chapter
The students work on the chapter/s at home or in class, answering the questions provided regarding each chapter, and then attend a discussion class on the chapter/s held by the instructor
The Question Study Guide also best prepares the students for the Multiple Choice Question exam, which will be administered by the school, as each chapter is completed
What is the Health and Wellness Certification course?
A ready-made course of studies that can be offered by a professional esthetics school that enhances the learning and retention of the extensive range of nutritional and wellness information provided in the course textbook “Nutrition: The Healthy Aging Solution"
The program specifically supports the students, teachers, and the institution involved and culminates with an official Certification by the institution
What valuable and timely information does the course and textbook cover?
Comprehensive overview of the subject of nutrition geared specifically to the modern skin care professional, in relation to contemporary client care
Essential nutritional concepts, terminology, and roles played by key macronutrient groups (comprising enzymes, proteins, fats, and vitamins) and their numerous, complex sub-groups
Dietary and nutritional planning support information for varied Skin and Body conditions, as well as for pre/post- surgery counseling
Stress and weight management guidelines, including the impact of free radicals on health
The glycemic index, food labels, cultural foods, and much more also covered - extremely extensive
Lauded by industry professionals, the course textbook Nutrition: The Healthy Aging Solution is used by professional esthetics educational programs - including those of many Cidesco schools –worldwide.
How can schools implement or incorporate the Health and Wellness Certification program in their current course offerings?
Include the course as a valuable supplemental module, within their current school curriculum
Incorporate it during the second year of an enriched program of studies
Market and offer it as a stand-alone, intensive knowledge-based, Post Graduate Training course
Why should schools be interested in implementing the Health and Wellness Certification program?
Program enables esthetic schools to attract new prospective students by offering an innovative, in-demand stand-alone or supplemental course that sets them apart in the marketplace
Enhances student learning of in-depth nutritional and wellness information to prepare them to service expanding clientele needs, as educational awareness grows regarding the holistic links between skin care, nutrition, and general wellness
Simplifies and supports the work of the instructor, providing them with a critical support framework that improves student’s knowledge retention
Cost-effective augmentation to current school resources and expertise