Massage techniques to
Optimize treatments


Demonstrates a broad range of facial techniques to optimize the results of your facial treatment when dealing with varying skin. Popular educational video that is informative and instructional.

topics covered

Varied skin types covered include:

  • Loose sagging skin
  • Thick, dull, devitalized skin
  • Sensitive, blotchy, telangiectasia skin
  • Cystic acneic skin

The wide range of visually demonstrated and featured massage techniques, selected and utilized according to skin type, include:

  • Toning movements - face lifting, folding, digital kneading, single and double flipping, and tapotement
  • Heavier pressure, stimulating movements - point hacking, knuckle kneading, watterwald pinching, heel palm kneading
  • Very light pressure - effleurage, digital kneading, vibrations (static and running, pneumatic pressure) Relaxing movements - along trapezius muscle and back of neck, vibrations, and jacquet pinching


    • Learn new and beneficial massage techniques
    • Understand how to select massage techniques according to skin type
    • Learn to utilize massage techniques to optimize and support treatment results
    • Increase client satisfaction and retention, while making the client experience more memorable and enjoyable


Facial Massage to Support and Optimize Results

In this informative and instructional video, Pat Lam demonstrates a broad range of facial techniques that can be utilized to optimize the results of your facial treatment when dealing with varying skin types.

Skin types covered include: sagging, thick, dull, devitalized skin, sensitive telangiectasia and cystic acneic skins.
Facial Massage Techniques

Importance of Facial Massage

Facial massage is one of the most basic - and overlooked - forms of direct communication between the therapist and client, often playing a key role in client retention for a clinic/spa/salon.

In addition to the value of its role in enriching client satisfaction levels, however, facial massage can also support the therapist in optimizing the particular goals of a skin care session.
Facial Massage Techniques

Varying Characteristics of Skin Types

Therapists should recognize that the stimulation needs and sensitivity levels of a client’s skin, in terms of facial massage, can vary significantly according to skin type.   This is due to the fact that different skin types are characterized by differing levels of vascular and sebaceous activity.
Facial Massage Techniques

Different Techniques for Different Skin Types

Thus, certain facial massage techniques can serve to support the results desired for a skin care treatment, while others can actually be contraindicative to the client’s particular skin type and goals.

Facial Massage for Different Skin Types educates and demonstrates how the choice of massage movements to be performed during a skin treatment should therefore be dependent on the client’s skin type, as well as his or her mood at the time of treatment.
Facial Massage Techniques


Facial Massage for Different Skin Types. (Lam, Pat. DVD/ Videocassette), Run Time: 62 min.
Facial Massage Techniques
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